Health and Safety isn’t just a topic for Joint Health and Safety Committee meetings. Show you are a leader in safety by incorporating safety into your team meetings. Check out our new Safety Toolbox Talks resource web page.Safety Toolbox Talks are a hands on way to remind employees that health and safety is important on the job. What is a Safety Toolbox Talk? Each talk should be short and should help workers recognize and control hazards in their workplace. Safety Toolbox talks help to demonstrate the commitment of supervisors and workers to health and safety.
EOHSS’s Safety Toolbox Talks resource web page will offer pre-written talks on a number of topics. Incorporating safety into your everyday will help improve the safety culture and show employees that management values the importance of health and safety. Whether you work in an office environment, carpentry shop, food services, laboratory or recreational centre, hazards are all around us. Let’s start the safety conversation.