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McMaster Chemical Inventory System

McMaster University is committed to the safety and health of it’s employees, students and the environment. Proper management of  hazardous materials is crucial to ensuring safe working and learning environments. McMaster’s University Health and Safety (UHS) office is responsible for ensuring regulatory compliance of the use, management and security of hazardous materials on campus.

The Chemical Inventory System has been the implementation of the hazardous materials inventory program, Vertere.  This program will ensure our inventory of hazardous materials is up to date, accessible, and actively maintained to provide information for regulatory reporting and to provide crucial information to our first responders.

Please note:  On Monday, September 9, the URL for McMaster’s Chemical Inventory System will be replaced with  Please ensure you update your bookmarks.  More information can be found below.

Chemical Inventory Process Flow

Please post in all labs.

Chemical Inventory Process Flow

The HECHMET consortium which administered our chemical inventory system has disbanded and instead we have acquired our own Vertere software which we use to access our chemical inventory.  We are switching to our instance of the Vertere software (owned by VIM Enterprises) this Friday, September 6 on or after 2pm – PLEASE DO NOT LOG INTO VERTERE (HECHMET) AFTER 2PM ON FRIDAY.
On Monday, September 9, please delete your bookmark for HECHMET and replace it with:
Your login WILL REMAIN THE SAME and everything should look identical for those of you who currently access the database.  Please note when you login to the new URL on Monday you will be asked to reset your password.
Please contact Leah Allan at if you have any questions.

Expandable List

The Vertére Inventory Manager (VIM) software is a modular, web-based enterprise application used to track chemicals and other materials within the university working environment. Hazardous chemicals are tagged with a unique barcode label that cross-references to:

  • Storage location
  • Principal Investigator (PI) responsible for the item
  • Chemical properties and information
  • SDS-related information
  • Other information (e.g., information is secured using Access Levels)

The chemical inventory system allows McMaster to effectively:

  • Monitor the purchase of all Hazardous Materials;
  • Manage the distribution and access to these substances;
  • Monitor the locations and types of Hazardous Materials present;
  • Ensure appropriate disposal;
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements; and
  • Encourage sharing among colleagues thereby reducing costs.

All new chemicals will be shipped directly to Central Campus Receiving, regardless of department. There they will be barcoded and entered into McMaster’s Chemical Inventory. When a chemical is purchased or picked-up from Stores, staff will transfer the chemical to the appropriate lab and primary investigator (i.e. researcher).

When purchasing chemicals, please ensure your address reads as follows:

General Receiving CSB
1280 Main St. W., Building/Room (e.g. ABB 123)
Hamilton, ON L8S 4M3
Attn: Joe Smith/Chemicals 

It is VERY important that you put the location to which the chemicals will be going (e.g. ABB xxx above) – all lab locations have been assigned to PI’s – this will assist the receiver in assigning a chemical to the appropriate lab location in your inventory.

This last line is necessary for “chemical deliveries” so all others (Grand & Toy for example) go to the departments as usual.

If you receive a chemical that does not have a barcode on it, please contact UHS and we will barcode and enter it into the system.  We will be continuously to work with the delivery people to ensure this procedure is followed, so chemicals get inventoried and delivered correctly.

What is included in the inventory?

  • Flammable/Combustible liquids
  • Flammable Solids
  • Oxidizers
  • Organic peroxides
  • Toxins/Poisons (e.g. biological toxins, dyes, adhesives)
  • Corrosives
  • Hazardous Formulations
  • All controlled products and substances

What is NOT included?

  • Dilutions and solutions prepared on-site
  • Non-hazardous Buffers
  • Tissue culture supplies
  • Biological growth media (e.g. agar)
  • Enzyme preparations
  • Products available for retail purchase (e.g. household cleaners, paint thinner)
  • Hazardous chemicals under 1 g or 1 ml in weight or volume
  • Radioactive Materials
  • Biohazardous Materials
  • Compressed gases
  • Non-hazardous substances (e.g. glucose, sodium bicarbonate)

While the chemical inventory offers various advantages to the entire McMaster community, users will also find it to be a valuable tool.  Examples include:

  • Searching by chemical name, location, room
  • Retrieving the SDS for chemicals
  • Exporting or printing search results for future reference

All Principal Investigators and laboratories have a unique username and password. Contact Leah Allan (system administrator) for username and password information.


Note as of Monday, September 9, the URL for Vertere will change to

The following document will help you get started using the Chemical Inventory System (Vertere).  For more advanced applications, please contact Leah Allan (  Note: You can only access the Vertere database while ON CAMPUS.  There is no remote access for security reasons.

Removing a product from the inventory is simple. Follow the steps below.

  1. Rinse the empty container as you normally would for disposal but set aside with hazardous waste for RPR to scan on Tuesday waste day.
  2. Once scanned by RPR, discard of empty bottle as per established procedures or reuse for hazardous waste if that is your usual practice.
  1. Remove the barcode from the empty/waste container and affix it to the Barcode Disposal Sheet and mail to UHS, GH 304

Information Box Group

Leah Allan headshot

Leah Allan

Lab Safety Specialist