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Employment Equity Training

The Office of the Provost, Faculty of Health Sciences, Human Resources Services, Equity & Inclusion Office, and other equity-deserving groups and key partners collaborate to deliver Equity, Diversity and Inclusion training for faculty and staff at McMaster University. Employment Equity is a key component of diverse recruitment, promotion, and retention, and cannot be successful without the participation of our staff and faculty.



Inclusive Excellence Leadership Program

This is a professional development series designed to equip people leaders to action Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) priorities through their leadership practice.

Learn More

Equitable Recruitment & Search/Selection Committee Training

This interactive workshop will provide guidelines and best practices for equitable recruitment and selection processes and outcomes.

The training is 2.5 Hours in duration, and facilitated by subject matter experts in Human Resources Services.

Faculty and staff participating on a current or upcoming Search/Selection Committee are invited to REGISTER HERE (required) for an upcoming training.

Note the training is valid for 3 years after the most recent Completion Date on record, and allows participants to serve on any Search/Selection or Hiring Committee during this period.

Should there be any significant updates or revisions to the established processes, these changes will be communicated accordingly to stakeholders as needed.

Online Resources

Should committee members be unable to attend an in-person or virtual training session, we highly encourage reviewing the supporting resources available at Equitable Recruitment & Search/Selection Committee Training – Online Resources.

Employment Equity Facilitator Program

The Employment Equity Facilitator Program, overseen by the Employment Equity Specialist (Human Resources Services) and supported by the Equity and Inclusion Office, has been established to train, support and coordinate a decentralized McMaster faculty members and staff hiring managers who will facilitate the advancement of institutional and Faculty/Departmental employment equity priorities and goals, including the development and implementation of employment equity plans as outlined in McMaster’s Employment Equity Framework and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan.

Please see the Program Description for more details.

Below are upcoming Orientation & Training dates for 2025 (to be confirmed):

  • October 15 and October 16, 2025 – 9:00 am to 12:00 pm (Wed/Thurs)

Note attendance is required on both days in order to complete the training.

Please Complete your Expression of Interest Form and Register Here for the next Orientation & Training.


Equitable Recruitment and Search/Selection Committee Training is also offered on a regular basis to support ongoing hiring and recruitment needs. Please REGISTER HERE for an upcoming session.

Policy on Recruitment & Selection of Faculty Members (SPS A1)

McMaster has a vision to achieve international distinction for creativity, innovation and excellence as a student-centred, research-intensive university, and to embody values of integrity, quality, inclusiveness and teamwork. Implicit in McMaster’s vision and values is its aspiration towards inclusive excellence – the notion that diversity is integral to quality in teaching, research, service and governance.  The revised SPS A1 – Faculty Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedures and the newly developed companion Handbook are guided by best practices for talent acquisition and integrating principles of employment equity and inclusive excellence through search processes. The Policy, Procedures and Handbook will enable McMaster to attract the most diverse talent pool and achieve the most equitable, inclusive and meritocratic faculty hiring practices and decisions.

For additional information and resources related to the policy and associated processes, please visit the SPS A1 resource page.

Staff Hiring Guidelines

The Faculty and Staff Hiring Guides are resources to assist with diverse recruitment, promotion, and retention. The Staff Hiring Guidelines provides guidance and consolidates resources to assist in conducting fair and equitable searches for staff at McMaster University. It presents ideas for how to help your department or faculty lay the foundation for attracting and successfully recruiting diverse candidates.

Below is a working list of jobs boards, professional associations, and organizations that provide employment services to different equity-seeking groups and communities.  This resource sheet may change over time.

Additional Resources

We have also recently developed an Employment Equity Postcard and Employment Equity Handbook, and encourage managers, supervisors, chairs, and directors to share these resources with new employees, committee members, and to post on information boards within your areas.

For additional Employment Equity Training or related inquiries, please contact:

Ayo Osinowo Headshot

Ayo Osinowo

Employment Equity Consultant