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Employee Well-being

The Importance of Vacation for Well-being

Vacations provide an opportunity to relax, recover from the demands of work, and spend time with family and friends. This implies that time away from work and daily responsibilities allows individuals to recharge mentally and physically, reducing stress and preventing burnout. Vacations allow you to have time to sleep, relax, and connect with the people and activities that are important to you. Taking a vacation can have numerous benefits for your well-being, both mentally and physically:

Mental Health Benefits

  1. Reduced Stress: Vacations help lower stress levels by removing you from the pressures of daily life

  2. Improved Mood: Time off can boost your mood and overall outlook on life

  3. Enhanced Creativity: A break from routine can unclutter your mind, leading to increased creativity and problem-solving abilities

Physical Health Benefits

  1. Stronger Immune System: Relaxation during vacations can help your immune system recover, making you less prone to illnesses

  2. Better Sleep: Time away from work can improve both the quantity and quality of your sleep

Overall Well-Being

  1. Increased Motivation: Taking time off can rejuvenate your mental energy, making you more motivated and productive when you return

  2. Improved Relationships: Vacations provide opportunities to strengthen bonds with family and friends, enhancing relationship satisfaction

  3. Greater Life Satisfaction: Time away allows you to reflect on what’s important, leading to a greater sense of fulfillment and purpose

Sources: Telus Health, Havard Business Review, Alina Health, Psychology Today

The Importance of Vacation for Employee Well-being Learn More

Source: McMaster Human Resources Services

McMaster Community Engagement: ConnectME Learn More

Source: McMaster Human Resources

Heathy Parks Healthy People Day Learn More

The Ontario government is making it easier to explore provincial parks and experience the benefits of spending time in nature by offering free day-use access on Friday, July 19, to mark Healthy Parks Healthy People Day. This annual celebration is part of a global movement to promote the incredible health benefits of getting outside in nature.

Information Box Group

The Working Mind Mental Health Training Learn More

The Working Mind is an evidence-based program designed to promote mental health and reduce stigma around mental illness in the workplace.  This training directly supports our shared purpose of promoting and contributing to a healthy and safe community at McMaster University.

Professor Hippo on Campus Learn More

The core Professor Hippo-on-Campus program consists of 8 modules that teach staff and faculty at McMaster about student mental health and how to support students in a way that suits their role, whether it be as an academic advisor or as a professor. The program will also teach how to use the Responding to Students in Distress and Difficulty (RSDD) protocol.

Employee Family and Assistance Program Learn More

McMaster University is proud to offer the extended benefit of an Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) with our partner, Telus Health.

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Employee Well-being Contacts

Karli Dillane

Program Coordinator, Workplace Health & Well-being