Information Box Group
RMM 801 Learn More
All persons participating in field trips, research activities and placements that are McMaster sanctioned to travel are to complete RMM 801.
RMM 801 Guidelines Learn More
Guidelines to assist in completing RMM 801 and risk assessment.
Risk Assessment Learn More
Risk Assessment template document. A risk assessment is required to be completed and submitted with RMM 801 outlining the risks associated with the travel and details on how to mitigate those risks.
Completing RMM 801 Learn More
Includes steps to completing RMM 801 for Field Trips, Research Activities and Student Placements (outside of Canada).
Resources Learn More
Includes RMM 801 Flow Chart, RMM 801 Overview and Safety while Travelling Abroad.
Frequently Asked Questions
If any or all of the following apply, YOU MUST complete RMM 801.
- Participating in/organizing a McMaster sanctioned field trip
- Participating in a paid student placement
- Participating in an unpaid student placement outside of Canada. Please also see MCU guide and information for unpaid student placements here.
- Engaging in off-campus McMaster research activity conducted by faculty, post-doctoral fellows, graduate/undergraduate students, staff and authorized volunteers
- Facilitating any off-campus activities that are part of McMaster’s academic (for credit) courses or programs
The Approval Form is found at the end of RMM (page 11). Please be sure to:
- Carefully assess the type of activity you will be engaging in and the level of risk associated.
- Complete a risk assessment as indicated in the RMM. Don’t know where to start? Please see our RMM 801 Guidelines for a list of things you may need to consider.
- Complete the correct checklist that corresponds to your activity.
- Complete a Participant Waiver found on the Office of Legal Services website.
- Complete the Health Status Form found in RMM 801 if travelling outside of Ontario.
- Supervisor is to review, sign, and submit to Department Chair/Director
- Department Chair/Director is to review and sign approval
- For significant/extreme risk activities ONLY: The RMM is to be forwarded to UHS at OR sent/dropped off in Gilmour Hall Room 304.
- The form MUST be submitted BEFORE the date of the trip. Please reference the RMM for specific submission deadlines.
*** Please provide the email address you wish us to send the approved copy to. The approved copy should be kept on file by your department over the course of the trip.